Saturday, July 17, 2010

No no, ignore that!

So not only ignore the first blog, but also the second which I published in error highlighting my inability to follow the simplest blogging rules!
So I thought about something to blog about but a funny thing happened on the way to the blog. I got distracted which seems to be my "thang" right now! It's the funny thing about being a new mum, you seem able to keep a little human being alive with A grade King Island Cream but on the other hand seem unable to fulfill even the simplest of tasks such as managing to put on an outfit suitable for the outside world or to actually leave the house with mascara on both eyes, (true story) and never been so glad to carry my mascara in my baby change bag) As a wise woman once said to me "motherhood highlighted my serious anger issue" and I have to agree!
Back in the days of Yor/Yesteryear/Days gone by (AKA BB, as in Before Baby) I used to refer to those days when nothing was going right and everything is an emotional roller coaster as "Cup of Tea Days" given that even spilling a cup of tea could bring me to tears. However these CoTD's has actually become a normal day in the life of me!!! Please don't take me the wrong way I am completely fine and not on the verge of a mental breakdown but for some reason I can cry at the drop of a hat. This would have been a useful tool when I was training to be an actor and could not cry on cue, now however it's an Oscar worthy performance when I do, and I do so often. It must be something to do with the hormonal imbalance when you give birth to new life, perhaps your body and mind get re-wired. I used to think I had tremendous empathy for my fellow human being but now it's just an annoyance.
Well it is to me anyway. I was watching Extreme Makeover the other day, you know the program where they take rather unfortunate looking people and give them all the plastic surgery known to man and turn them into someone they wouldn't recognize in the mirror. Anyways, I digress, again. So I'm watching this show and the victim, um I mean, person chosen, is yapping on about not seeing their mum for over two weeks and I think to myself, what a tool, but my eyes however have another idea. No sooner had that thought crossed my mind that my eyes, in complete contradiction to my mind, fill up. And I don't mean in a "oh that's so nice" kinda way, uh uh, I bawled like a new born baby. It was pathetic! Thankfully I tend not to wear make-up these days unless I go out somewhere where there's people as I would have permanent mascara smudges on my cheeks from the regular bawls!!!

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