Saturday, July 17, 2010

First blog!

I suppose I should think if something witty to start my blogging life but I am afraid that nothing comes to mind. I am especially uninspired given that my Foxtel has well and truly died a horrible death leaving me to contemplate actual human interaction. I mean, how dare the universe, not only did I have a total crap nights sleep. I was awoken at 3am, not by baby Harry, oh no, but by some dog wanting to go for a pee. Upon opening the bedroom door I was greeted with the smell of "new poo" which had been deposited next to Welly's bed (bro's dog) so had to take all the pups out for a pee, get back into the bed and the cooker decides to have a spak attack and start emitting a high pitched noise that I couldn't turn off. Now safely ensconced in bed my shitty alarm went off at 5am to pump (yes as the baby sleeps my boobs won't). I couldn't bear to get up and so re-set it for 6am. All down and dusted as I decided to pump on the toilet, well I wasn't ON the loo but just sat on it. I got back into bed only be awoken by Harry needing an actual feed. So I get up, find there is no Foxtel, feed Harry while staring at a wall and then realise that Leroy (bro's other dog) has pee'd on his bed and is now sleeping on the sofa. I mean wouldn't you if you'd pee'd in your bed. So the 3am toilet visit was completely pointless and I have completely lost the point of my post. I suppose I should separate this into readable paragraphs but who on earth is going to have the patience to read this crap!


  1. Note to you - too much pee in this one - would prefer boobs???????? WTF??????? I need to lie down

    Note to self - don't own dogs, or buy bigger nappies???????

  2. I was intentionally trying to ignore the word boobs! Also, it wasn't my dogs pee'ing and why would you need bigger nappies? Incidentally I dreamt about dogs wearing nappies! Hmm.......
