Thursday, April 5, 2012

Response to Daily Mail lady!

Yes it's me. I've been away a long time. I just had to hide because I am so darn good looking. Fearing for my safety I hid away and bore some sproglets which unfortunately made me even more incredibly good looking because of all the hormones and some researcher said women with babies are more attractive. So fearing for me safety and to dodge the hail of chocolates, flowers and diamonds that are thrown at me everywhere I go I have taken to only going out at night and sometimes "in disguise".

I tried to not wearing any make-up but unfortunately it made me even more attractive with one man offering to buy my thrush treatment and another insisting upon buying my pregnancy multi vitamins.

I went to the hairdresser the other day and while the female receptionist happily took my booking , the male hairdresser point blankly refused to cut my hair and said "why mess with perfection."

I thought I was in desperate need of a manicure but when I went to the local Asian beautician the lady boy there said my nails were the image of beauty and wouldn't do it. Seems I am much loved by the cross overs too.

So while I sit down to eat my Lindt chocolate bunnies, which the man at the supermarket gave me for free as he said I needed "fattening up" I lament the days when I could have some peace and quiet in my life, a quieter time when I could go to the shops and not be harassed and was allowed to pay my own way. Nevermind, perhaps a career change to be a writer for the Daily Mail, apparently incredibly good looking women are treating normal there.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Been a long time

Ok, yes, it's been a while since I blogged. I guess nothing has annoyed me enough to write about. Has that changed? No not really, but I am a bit bored so I thought I would share some meanderings.
Harry had his first successful attempt at shop lifting this week. Rather mortified, not only because he shoplifted but that it was a top to a soap dispenser than when pressed sings "Under the Sea" from Little Mermaid. Very manly!
I have also decided to do a Masters in Arts, well, I want to be involved in the arts for the rest of my life so what I do? Be an actor? Um, no, sorry, I like to have money, director? Hmm...still an issue with money here. Theatre Company director, my god no, you have to deal with so maby arseholes it is not worth my sanity.
So rather than struggle to get my "message" heard why not put myself in the position where I decide whose message get's heard.
Ok, must dash, Harry ahs had a fight with a marmite sandwich and lost.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Spider in my Bra!

One of my least favorite things about Australia is the spiders, they just move so darn fast! But, having said that, my experience with them has been minimal as I seem to have an eye for them and catch them before they creep under my bed when the lights go off. This morning however I was not so lucky! I was carrying Harry down the front steps to the car when I saw it too late. The web I had just broken with my enormous bosoms!
It almost happened in slow motion! The spider, who was probably sleeping when me, Giganto, created an earthquake in his seemingly peaceful world. I realised too late that said spider had fallen victim to gravity and fallen down the black hole, otherwise known as my cleavage. I squeeled "spider"......."aghhhhhhhhhhhh"................"spider in my boobs" as Tim came racing down the stairs to find me gratuitously grabbing my own boobs with my spare hand and for some reason kicking my knees up in a body conditioning fashion, hoping to squish the little bugger so it would not set up home in the warm surroundings! I am so glad there were no neighbors around as I looked hilairous grabbing my boobs and spinning in a circle hoping to whip the spider out like a tightly wound spring. Alas, it was not so, it was flattened beyond all recognition as it sadly fell to the ground it's legs splayed in all directions.
Harry found the whole thing hilarious, thinking we were playing a game but now he was a little dizzy and vomited into said previous spider haven and into my bra. At least I can put them to good use....spider house, vomit catcher...etc etc...

At least I didn't drop him!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


What is it with acronyms in modern day language, we seem to be too lazy to swear properly.

I just read Kathryn Kendell's ever so entertaining blog....Get Your Tits Out....for the OAPS! That would be Old Aged Pensioners for those non-acronym peeps!

Whereby she hilariously describes breastfeeding her monstrously hungry baby in the local supermarket only to be stared at my an old man, who's wife was pushing the trolley, only to trip on his feet and land on his bottom. His wife seeing what happened starts to berate him for getting his "kicks" at the local supermarket.

You know, I did not LMFAO! I actually laughed my fucking arse off!!! Shortening it into 5 letters fails to encapsulate the sheer hilarity of the story and my joy in a full throttle tummy laugh that shocked most of Berowra out of it's slumber!!

I feel obliged to share Kathryn's story, the women is hilarious, what can I say?

Mind you, it concerns me more that his wife thought he was getting his "kicks" from watching a women breastfeed....some people!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some people!

Well I have to make a promise to myself to blog more, it's cathartic and after the few days I have had, cartharticism (?) is what I need. Don't think that's a word but frankly...never mind! Spell check says it should chromaticism but I think that means something entirely different.
I have SHINGLES! That's right it deserves all capitol letters as it is THAT important. I have a right shoulder I can't itch and a left shoulder that cramps cos of having to carry Harry on that side so I don't infect the bugger. It's like when you have headlice at school and everyone thinks you're dirty, which is not true, headlice, or to use the nicer word "nits" (not) actually like clean hair so nah! I have the "pox" but I am clean I swear!
I watched Dating in the Dark the other day, WTF is wrong with some people. The dichotomy is reality TV could be quite interesting if the subjects had something intelligent to say but anyone with any intelligence wouldn't be seen dead on a reality TV show. So we are left with the drongos of society talking shit to each other. This one couple got on really well, lots of chemistry but when she saw him, she said " Oh, it's like 5ft 7" I can't date someone that short" What? You total fuckwit! It's not as though he wasn't good looking. In fact he was totally gorgeous. That women deserves to be alone!
Nuff said!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Strange Lady at Coles!

So I had a bit of quiet yesterday shopping at Coles as Harry had gone to sleep(which he never does)and I was at the counter when the lady at the counter engaged me in conversation.

NB. I see this lady all the times at Coles, she smokes like a trooper and I see her texting in her lunch break with a plate for one from the local chicken shop,

But I digress. She looked at the pram where I had covered Harry up,

"Is that your baby?"

I thought, well if it isn't then someone is missing something.

"Yes, this is my child!"

"How old?"

"Three months........"

I gingerly lift the scarf covering Harry,hoping he's still asleep.

And there he is, fast asleep, little gem that he is.

"Ah, he looks like a porcelain doll."

Excuse me?

"His skin is all white and shiny. I collect porcelain dolls you know.......


"I haven't got any baby ones though......

Longer pause, should I say something?

"Actually I do have one baby, it's a crying baby....not like yours."

Yes, thanks-you. Your crying porcelain baby doll is nothing like my baby.

I think she forgot to take her meds that morning.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wardrobe what?

So I decide to go through my clothes as I am so freaking cold I need to find long trousers and I seem to have lost the will to tidy and find most of my clothes draped over the drawers or on the breastfeeding chair I don't use. What do I find? I own two pairs of long trousers, one are cargo pants which while comfy, well, look like I don't give a shit about my appearance and the other is an old paid of pregnancy trousers which have the elastic going in between the legs, you know, it looks like blond public hair is sprouting out of the fabric. So I gots to thinking. My wardrobe is terrible. If I had even a semblance of decency I would not leave the house but alas I do but thank-fully Laura Ashley has a sale and I buy some fat pants for the post preggers body.
Really! I should do something about it but to be honest I can't be bothered. I enjoy the chocolate too much and let's be honest I don't think the battle site has recovered yet. Which reminds me, my IT department call the other day to take over my computer to fix something for me, and you can imagine my horror as I realise as soon as the IT man takes control that I have a few web pages up that should not be seen ranging from "Sex after vaginal birth" and "Nipples, why do they look so purple!" I excuse myself off the phone to prevent any embarrassment for the poor man. Oh I don't care personally. I tell you after childbirth and breastfeeding, there isn't much that can a) put me off my dinner or b) makes me socially uncomfortable.
Mind you I still can't bring myself to breastfeed in public. It's not that I disagree with it, in fact quite the opposite, I am all up for feeding in public. The problem is I still look like a deranged mad woman when I feed Harry, in fact it's quite hilarious!
Now, I'm off to finish putting my clothes away except for the Laura Ashley trousers which need taking up as I am so short but let's be honest they'll still be there in 4 weeks waiting for me to take them to the tailors!