Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some people!

Well I have to make a promise to myself to blog more, it's cathartic and after the few days I have had, cartharticism (?) is what I need. Don't think that's a word but frankly...never mind! Spell check says it should chromaticism but I think that means something entirely different.
I have SHINGLES! That's right it deserves all capitol letters as it is THAT important. I have a right shoulder I can't itch and a left shoulder that cramps cos of having to carry Harry on that side so I don't infect the bugger. It's like when you have headlice at school and everyone thinks you're dirty, which is not true, headlice, or to use the nicer word "nits" (not) actually like clean hair so nah! I have the "pox" but I am clean I swear!
I watched Dating in the Dark the other day, WTF is wrong with some people. The dichotomy is reality TV could be quite interesting if the subjects had something intelligent to say but anyone with any intelligence wouldn't be seen dead on a reality TV show. So we are left with the drongos of society talking shit to each other. This one couple got on really well, lots of chemistry but when she saw him, she said " Oh, it's like 5ft 7" I can't date someone that short" What? You total fuckwit! It's not as though he wasn't good looking. In fact he was totally gorgeous. That women deserves to be alone!
Nuff said!

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